

May 19, 2020

By Anna Chinyoyo, Program Associate.

2020 has proved to be both challenging and awakening. We have not even reached the first half yet and already we are witnessing global restructuring on a mass scale. The outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a great deal of change in all areas of life. Economies and lifestyles are experiencing a major shift, the environment is rejuvenating and the society is rethinking how people should interact with one another.

One change that is surely going to stick around for a long time is the shift to the digital space. For months now, the digital way of doing business has been dominant and many corporations and businesses have competed to acquire the biggest chunk of market share from the population most which remain indoors. The question is, how do you get your products and services to your target now that they cannot see your outdoor advertising? Smart Lab talent Program surely can answer a few of these questions:


You need the right platform
You need to take your business online ASAP. The worldwide web has become a big supermarket where everyone can order what they want online and have them delivered to their doorstep. But since everyone is going online, you need to stand out, and that’s where you need the right developers, designers, UX/UI engineers to create usability experience for your platform.


You need the right people
Your business now requires people who are technology-savvy. People who have specialized in technological engineering especially in the digital world. The people who can reach your customers in a creative and innovative way while creating great user experience when people interact with your products and services. Even more important, you need to know where to look for these experienced and creative people.


You need the right product and service
When COVID-19 was beginning to spread across the world, hand sanitizers, soaps and tissue papers companies skyrocketed their profits because people started buying these products in wholesale to last them in quarantine. Now that people spend most of their time at home, what products and services can you offer them that answer their needs during this time? Hence, you need sharp and fresh creative minds to help you think of what can really sell during this time and the time to come.


You need the right message

These and probably the future times will probably demand you talk to your audience in the right way. Does the language you speak offer a solution, hope and a better tomorrow without overselling and sounding arrogant? You need the professionals with the marketing tongue to reach your people and convince them to buy your products and services.

To cut the long story short, the future of employment will require a great deal of specialization and tech-savvy solutions. Businesses will need the right people who know how the digital world revolves and who know how to incorporate technology and engineering in solving day to day needs. As a business, you will need to know where to find these professionals.


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